24 June 2011

Lesson Cycle

Synonyms and Antonyms
(homonyms, homophones, idioms...)
Author: Tiffany Evetts

Language Arts (English)

Topic or Unit of Study:
This unit is over synonyms and antonyms.


After this unit, students will be able to identify both synonyms and antonyms. They will be able to tell the difference between synonyms and antonyms, and give examples of each.

This unit will begin with students and myself singing both the synonym and antonym song. Next, we will watch a brain pop video over synonyms and antonyms. Following the brain pop video, I will have students get a white board and I will call out words and have students give me either the synonym or antonym to that word. The students will also be expected to create a vocabulary poster of a synonym/antonym of their choice in which they draw or paste pictures that represent the words. For example they may select the word cold and draw a synonym representing frosty and an antonym representing hot.


I will begin this lesson by having students gather on the floor in front of the smartboard. I will remind students that we have been learning about synonyms and antonyms and tell them that we will be singing the songs that we sang earlier this week. I will put the songs on the document camera one at a time and we will sing them together as a class. Following the songs, students will watch a brain pop video over synonyms and antonyms. Next, I will have students get a whiteboard and call out words for them to write either a synonym or antonym for. Following these activities, I will explain the independent practice pages over each that they will be completing during center time.
The students will be given time to come up with ideas of synonyms and antonyms and they will present their poster rough draft to the class and evaluate other student’s words and give suggestions before the final product is displayed in the classroom. (this will be supplemented with a lesson about words which have multiple meanings and shades of meaning such as act, case, and cut).
The last lesson requires students to bring a book they have selected from the library and look up a word that is unfamiliar or which they have limited acquaintance. They will look up the word in the dictionary and write about the multiple meanings of the word and how it is used in the selected book.

Students will work collaboratively & individually.

Time Allotment:
3 class period. 30 Min. per class.

Author's Comments & Reflections:
If time permits, a study of homonyms and idioms may also be included in this unit.

Instructional Materials:

  • Materials and resources:
    We will be using copies of the synonym and antonym song, as well as a worksheet over each for independent practice. We will also be using a document camera for this activity as well as the smartboard.
  • Each student will be given a piece of cardstock and markers, glue, magazines, and other craft supplies to create their word poster.
  • Students will need to select a book from the library and have access to a dictionary and thesaurus.


student presentations (word poster) and worksheets

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